Do you focus on building confidence, in the right areas for the right reasons?
Are you confident? Do you focus on building confidence, in the right areas for the right reasons?
Travis Chappell and I – in this final part of the conversation – finish off talking about what salespeople should focus on most, and how to get there.
And of course, since he is absolutely focused on his network – we wrap up talking about relationships.
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Jason: All right. Welcome to part three of my conversation with Travis. If you haven't, make sure to check out part one and two, and please subscribe to the podcast and then share this. Yes. Leave a rating, leave a review. Hopefully you would do that. But more than anything, what I want is for you to share this podcast and all of these type of podcasts.
Anything valuable you listen to and learn from where it's helping you see things differently or helping improve your life. Share that the world needs more good news. It needs more support. It needs more. Influence to help people operate at a different and higher level. And this part of the conversation, we're talking about relationships.
We're talking about your network and leaving things better than you found them. And if everyone were to do that in the world, it would make a huge difference to how we are as humans. So please share this. For your sake, for the world, for everybody, not just for me, not for my podcast, but just to get that message out.
So with that long intro aside, here is part three, the final part of my conversation with Travis. Les Brown says, fall down seven times, get up eight, right? Like it's about being able to withstand those punches and not give up.
Travis: Yeah, 100 percent man. That's definitely the way that I like to picture it to people because I think it just makes a lot of sense and likening it to something like your actual bank account, make people take it more seriously, I think.
But yeah, it's just the truth. Like every time you get rejected, just a little bit of confidence gets taken away. But then you make a sale or you get a yes. You just read a book about sales. You put a back deposit in the bank account. You listen to a podcast conversation like this. Like you get another deposit in that bank account.
That's why I think personal development, self help and continuous learning and education is what makes people awesome at what they do. Because it doesn't just increase their knowledge base, it increases their confidence, which is arguably much more important.
Jason: Yeah, it's creating this wall and this buffer so that the deposits don't matter as much.
Yeah. They're bouncing off of it. And I think what's important too is something you touched on, but I want to elaborate like also making sure it's relative, right. And applying the right amount of deposit and withdrawal to the right sources. Because one of the common things you see this a lot, and I've fallen into this trap is let's say You're in sales or you're doing something you post on social media and nobody likes it.
Nobody cares. You're doing a podcast. Nobody cares. Nobody's downloading. And then you attribute a lot of withdrawals to that because you had this expectation of what it should be. Like your story of knocking on doors and Joe Schmo doesn't like it, but that's okay. Cause there's a neighborhood full of a thousand more people.
That one's a small withdrawal versus something else. And I think it's always important to be careful about the amount of withdrawal you're willing to let. A rejection or a failure take from you instead of like maybe what's more valid.
Travis: Yeah. The cool thing about it is if you've been around the block a few times, even if it's a brand new venture that you don't have confidence in, you can at least draw from the past experience of I know what this feeling feels like.
I know what it feels like to not be sure if I can make this happen or if I can do it. But I did it before with that other thing. So now I can draw on that past experience, which is another thing that helps you to mitigate some of those withdrawals. Cause that's how it was for me. When I started my podcast, the beginning was just like rejection after rejection would have taken huge hits on me.
Had I not had like years of callous built up from door to door sales, where I was just like, all no worries, move on to the next one. Like one thing also that I would do when I was on Doors was, I would average out the amount of dollars that I made per door instead of the dollars that I made per customer.
Because anytime somebody told me to get the F off their porch, or they'd cuss me out, or have a gun behind the door, like just weird things that would happen. Anytime something would happen like that, I knew that I just made whatever that dollar amount was like 7 or 8 instead of coming away that day and being like, Oh, I didn't sell anything.
If I knocked on 50 doors and I knew that I would made on average 7 store, it's coming home and being like, you know what? I made 350 today. Like it didn't get deposited into my account today, but I still made it because the law of average is always going to work itself out. And tomorrow. I'm probably going to sell two deals instead of just one deal because I know the numbers are going to eventually work out to the point that is positive for me.
So once you like can figure it out once or twice to like the more you continue to do those actions, the more confidence you just get into that account. Even if you take it into a new venture that has nothing to do with the thing that you were previously successful in.
Jason: And I love the reminder about the metrics and knowing like knocking on a door.
It's not about the sales. It's about the action and knowing your numbers, right? So if you have to make 100 calls a day, based on what the conversion for the industry, for your role, even your own history, like what is each call equal, even if it doesn't result into it. However, what I would say in the cautionary side of it, which we talked about earlier.
Which is also being careful that when you knocked on those 50 doors today, 7, you're like, Hey, it all averages out. It'll be fine. Tomorrow will be fine. Next week will be fine. Unless the issue is you and not just the law of averages. So there's a fine balance between nobody answered or I got a hundred no's today and that's the law of averages.
And tomorrow I'll get enough to make up for it versus I got a hundred no's today and it's because I'm doing something wrong.
Travis: Yeah, it definitely need to take into account the fact that you may be half assing your job. Or not putting it all or not leaving it all out on the table on a pitch when you could have pushed more and you didn't, that caveat is definitely built into any of the things that I'm saying for sure.
Like that has to be there. If you're not that kind of a person, you're probably not listening to this podcast right now. Anyway, you got to be probably not super worried about like how to make yourself better if you're just okay with being mediocre all the time,
Jason: maybe, or hopefully you find this and this is the key and you make that switch and you're good to go.
Exactly. That's what I'll hope for. So one other thing that I want to talk about, because this is focused on what you're doing now, so you have your podcast, build your network, amazing guests, amazing kind of vehicle for networking relationships and your focus now, right? Everything in life is sales, right?
So there's sales in everything. Obviously, you're bringing that to it, but it's more the relationship side. And there was one thing I saw that you had put out there. It said, leave every relationship better than you found it. I thought that was amazing. I've never heard that before. Obviously, you go camping, leave it better than you found it.
Or when you go to a friend's house, right? Don't leave it worse. But I never thought of that with relationships in that exact way. Hey, it's Jason here. We'll be right back to the podcast. But first, are you ready to change the way you view your selling role and become a sales professional? Do you have a team that is hungry for new ways to improve and grow?
If so, I have various coaching and consulting programs available that might be great tools to help you achieve your goals. To learn more about the ways we can work together and to book your free sales power call, go to Jason Cutter. Now let's get back to the episode.
Travis: Yeah, what's interesting was I was trying to come up with a sign off phrase for my show just to end every show with.
And when I first started, I just hijacked other people, so I didn't really have one. And I used to say it was a hijack of Russell Brunson's. His is you're only one funnel away or whatever. So I was like, Oh, that's a connection. You're only one connection away, which is true.
Like you are only one connection away. And from whatever you want, any dream, any goal you have, you're one connection away from making it happen. So I thought, okay, I'll just use that. And then after a while, I just didn't feel like it was something that was from me. You know what I mean? It just felt like something I hijacked.
And so I started having my email signature, which was leave every relationship I already found it. And the more like people started with a couple of people replied to my email and said Oh, I love that phrase. That's really cool. I was like, Oh, that seems like a much better sign off phrase for me, just cause it's something that actually means a lot to me that I came up with.
And obviously, probably other people have said it too, but I felt a lot more original about it. And so I started using that as my sign off phrase, but ultimately where it came from is the principle that I read through actually one of Gary V's books. Which is he always tries to provide at least 51 percent of the value in every relationship that he has.
So that's where that stemmed from the lead of relationship better. And you found it because I truly wanted to embody that regardless of if somebody ever paid me for mentorship or coaching or whatever it was. I wanted people's lives to be more valuable. When we parted ways, if we parted ways, then it was when we met, regardless of if I benefited from it or if I had an advantage from it or not, like I wanted people to benefit from having known me.
So that was where it came from was when I looked at some of the people that I had helped at that time, I was like, you know what people that I had plugged in with jobs made introductions for people. Who were like literally about to move out of their apartment, move back in with their parents because they couldn't afford to pay rent and their credit cards were totally maxed out.
And then I would make an introduction for them to get a job and help train them for the job totally for free. Didn't ever ask anything. And I was just like, these people it felt really good. It felt when I looked back, it felt really good to know that it seems like when I meet people. And when we get involved in each other's lives, like good things happen for them.
And that's what I always want to be able to be said about me. It's like Travis helps people. I didn't know him for that long or like we communicated a couple of times, but he made this intro or he gave me this piece of advice or he like did this thing. That's where it stems from is just this desire that I have to, whenever I leave of interaction with somebody, that they feel that they're somewhat better off.
And obviously I can't make sure that happens all the time. And I'm sure that there's some people that have a bunch of bad things to say about me too. But that's the goal for me is to genuinely try to leave every person better to try to help or offer some sort of value in any way possible.
Jason: And I think that's amazing.
And what I love about that is that what it requires is an abundance mindset, an empathetic mindset, a care about other people. And coming from that place, instead of self centered, instead of scarcity, instead of just wanting for yourself. And of course, keeping in mind, everyone's in different seasons, that person who needed your help instead of having to go back home because of their financial situation, at that point, they have to take, they're receiving the gift at some point they can give that gift to somebody else, but fundamentally two things.
It's what the world needs more of. So I'm glad that you share that. And everything that anybody listening to this can do to promote that attitude internally or externally. I think the world needs more of that. And then obviously it's about how that applies in life and in sales. I know like my mom, the way she is, she's I just want everyone to smile after I'm done talking to them, even if they're just the checkout person at the grocery store and I treat people that same way, like if they're smiling, they're happy because I know maybe they don't like their job, but like this two minutes was nice for them.
Cool. That's great. I did a good job. And then I carry that into my sales career. Like when I'm talking to somebody, even if I can't help them, even if I tell them to go buy from somebody else or hire somebody else. That's still a gift to them. And I want them to be better off no matter what, because again, there's 8 billion people on the planet.
Exactly. I don't need them all.
Travis: Exactly. And ironically, and counterintuitively, it leads to more business in my experience. It always leads to more business. When I was just on the phone the other day with this guy, I was just like, look, man, honestly, I would love to sell you something. I would love to get you to buy something from me right now, but it just doesn't seem like what we do would help your situation.
And I just gave him a bunch of free advice for 30 minutes and then we hung up and that to me is a win. And I trust that at some point in the future, like something good is probably going to come out of that because I didn't try to sell him something that wouldn't have benefited him. And then he would have paid me money and then been unsatisfied with the results.
And then which could have ended in a really bad thing that makes people think bad of me and want bad things to happen to me even potentially. But instead of that, you get to turn that into a positive interaction. With somebody who you gave free advice to that's still really good advice that they can take action on and didn't try to sell them something that ultimately wouldn't have fit their needs anyway, which I think obviously comes across a little bit more genuine, especially when you're telling other people that what you do have.
It's their needs 100 percent because there are people who you actually say no to, you're not just saying that to everybody to take their money. You're like to say I'm here to help you like become successful in this field or in this craft or in this situation, whatever it is, the product or service that you sell.
Like my goal is to help you with this. And if you believe enough in your product or service. Most people are going to want to buy that at the end of it. If you truly approach it from a helpful standpoint, because if you truly believe that the product service that you have solves that person's problem better than any other product or service that's out there, then if your true genuine desire for that person is to help them, then you are morally obligated to talk about how your product or service helps them.
If it doesn't help them, then you're also morally obligated. to not sell them your product or service and possibly recommend somebody else's on the market or just give them some advice and tell them to have a good day. If you genuinely just get in it to help people, then you can also make it just like Zig Ziglar said, man, he's the sales OG.
It's just, if you help enough people get what they want, you can have everything that you want. And that's just the truth.
Jason: And that is my favorite go to quote. It's the one I think about and use as the framework for everything I do. And what you just said is literally the chapter in my book that's coming out called the power of no is one chapter about the power of telling people no from a sales professional standpoint instead of trying to twist everyone's arms and manipulate everybody.
Because just like you said, when you tell somebody no, and you mean it, and it's what's best for them, when you tell somebody yes, and you mean it, and it's what's best for them, it has a different place, because it's not about you, and it answers that, how do you sleep at night, and are you just trying to convince me, and is this just a commission to you questions?
It's no, if this wasn't a good fit, I would tell you no, but I'm gonna tell you yes, and we need to do this for your sake.
Travis: Yep, 100%, I couldn't agree more.
Jason: Cool. Travis, this has been super fun. I love it. I love that your background was different than mine. You grew up sales. I grew up not sales, but like these philosophies are the same.
Where's the best place for people to find you? The projects you're doing, the things that you're doing, where can people look you up?
Travis: Yeah, honestly, man, the best place to connect with me would be my Facebook group. I spend a good amount of time in there getting to know a lot of people. We have 1, 600 people in there now.
Entrepreneurs, business people, podcasters, content creators, just a big mixture of people who are like just beginning, who don't make any money. And we have multiple people in there who are. Multiple seven figure earners and business owners and entrepreneurs, people that have been guests on my show, people that are in masterminds that I'm in.
So it's a really large eclectic group of people and there's just so many other people to get to know in that group. So that'd probably be the best way to connect with me. You can find that at Travis chapel. com slash group.
Jason: Perfect. And I know that I'm in that group and I was referred to you by somebody else.
And then I'm in there and it's a fantastic group. So it's a great way to connect. And obviously we connected and that's why you're here. So Travis, thank you for this. Thank you for your time. And thank you for all that you're doing to change this landscape of how people operate and building people up.
Travis: Yes, sir. Thanks a lot, Jason. Thanks for having me.
Jason: All right, take care. All right, that's it of the conversation with Travis. Please make sure to check him out. Join his Facebook group. It's an amazing group of people. Very diverse. He's very interactive. There's so many people in there that are helpful.
They're looking for ways to improve other people's lives, to build up their network, to connect them, to form relationships. I know in the short time I've been in that group, which is free, it is an amazing resource, and I've made some great connections, including Travis, who agreed to be on the show. And take time away from his amazing podcast and all the work that he does.
So please make sure to check him out, support him. If you need any help with anything, look for his information. And as always, keep in mind that everything in life is sales and people remember the experience you gave them.
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