What questions do you have about boosting sales or building a winning sales team?
This is part three of the conversation I had with Rylee.
In Part 3, Rylee and I talk about:
Download The Power of Authentic Persuasion ebook
Enroll in the Authentic Persuasion Online Course
Connect with Jason on LinkedIn
Connect with Rylee on LinkedIn
Rylee’s Info:
Rylee Meek is the founder and CEO of the Social Dynamic Selling System, which turns dinner seminar marketing into a science. After responding to a small ad on Craigslist in 2009, Rylee was introduced to a new concept of selling, one in which radically changed his life forever. Having just $673 in his bank account, but more importantly a burning desire for more, Rylee went on to produce over $80 million in sales over the past 8 years. Now that he has perfected his model, through continual trial and error, he is sharing this learned wisdom and is on a mission to help other entrepreneurs and business owners achieve the revenue goals they have to live the lifestyle they desire. Everything he teaches is tried, tested, refined, and proven to create a predictable, sustainable, and scalable selling system.
His Website: http://socialdynamicselling.com/
Also: www.WorkWithRylee.com
Social Dynamic Selling eBook: http://pfsbuilt.com/socialdynamicselling/#
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/rylee-meek-1556a919/
Facebook: https://m.facebook.com/TheRyleeMeek
Twitter: https://twitter.com/ryleemeek
Jason: Welcome back to The Sales Experience Podcast. My name is Jason Cutter. Welcome to part three of my special guest episode with Rylee Meek. So glad that you’re here. I was so excited to have him. He was the first guest for the new season of the podcast, season two and had lots of goals about asking him questions, which I kind of went into but in my excitement and in the flow of the conversation didn’t necessarily go as planned, but you’ll check that out here if you didn’t listen to it. Make sure to check out the first two episodes where we talked about his social dynamic selling, what that looks like, how he operates, what he does with the meetings, the face to face group kind of presentation, sales process that he’s developed and then how that works with relational sales and you know where the focus is and what’s effective and what’s not.
Jason: So make sure to check out those first two parts. If you want to see his links and information which he’s going to put at the end of the show here in this final segment or if you want to read his bio or the transcript for the show, make sure to go to CutterConsultingGroup.com/podcast and find that there and enjoy this final part.
Rylee: Absolutely. I see that a lot, especially with new younger sales reps. They want to educate them on everything and make them think how great they are, but really you just got to keep it simple and just deliver the information that you know your manager has delivered because obviously they have a system that works and I think that’s important for new sales reps to not overcomplicate things and just if there’s a system that works, stick to the system and don’t try to yes
Jason: And ride that fine line of how much do you have to share because what happens, and this is the knee jerk reaction is I just got off a phone call or a client visit or a home visit or something like that. Somebody asks me a question, I didn’t really have a great answer for it. They decided not to buy. Now I’m thinking, okay, the next call I go into, I’m going to have to tackle that objection before it comes up because I don’t want to be, you know, kicked in the stomach on the next one. But it turns out like the next person doesn’t care. And I call it rebutting with yourself. Whereas now you bring up this objection that they didn’t even have that. Now they’re thinking about and now they’re freaked out and then you’re just perpetuating the cycle. And so that’s, you know, again, like you said, best advice if you’re a company or manager has a good system or if you’re a manager and you’re developing a good system, you know, just follow that, do that. And work within that system for sure.
Rylee: Yup. Absolutely.
Jason: So the next question, which you already answered in that one is what do in your experience at top sales reps do? And what I heard you say, which is great, which is follow a system, follow a process that either you’ve created as a sales professional or your company is handing you as the blueprint and the playbook. And then after each interaction detailing and noting whatever issues, questions, objections came up either how do you have a better response for them next time? How do you proactive, we deal with them in advance in your presentation so they don’t come up. Some of the top reps I’ve ever seen do that. Like literally they’re digesting every single conversation and then figuring out what did they miss, what can they improve on?
Rylee: So yeah, absolutely, absolutely. Cause there’s, there’s nothing more frustrating than even when you have an amazing sales and then you have no clue why it went amazing. Like you only know that if you’re consciously aware or taking notes after bad sales calls, good sales calls and being able to have your flow and have it be consistent throughout.
Jason: Yeah. And that’s funny too because a lot of times people think for myself, if I’m coaching sales reps or working with a team is that my focus is just on the negative. It’s like, why didn’t that work? Why weren’t you successful? Like what happened? Let’s listen to that call. I just like you just said, which is awesome, is I also take the winning calls, like if it’s recorded or if there’s a, you know, if they’re, you know, watching it is you close the sale, what did you do? What worked, why was that successful? Now do that because if you don’t get a sale, potentially there’s infinite number of reasons why you didn’t. If you did get the sale, then we know there was certain things that you did or didn’t do that actually worked.
Jason: And so, you know, how do you do that again? Just keep doing what works. Right. And so, uh, that’s cool. I very rarely ever hear anybody else talk about, okay, focus on when it works. Just keep doing that, right? Yeah.
Rylee: Yup. Absolutely.
Jason: Now the next question is what do, in your experience, what do unsuccessful reps do? Beyond what we’ve just talked about, you know, what do you see them do that you know they could avoid or they shouldn’t do?
Rylee: Yeah, I think, and kind of mentioned this too is when we’re hiring new people on in the system is it’s a proven system. It’s just, if you say these words and how I say it, not only just the words but the tonality is a big thing, but if you stick with that in it and it works, why would you go try to change it?
Rylee: It’s extremely frustrating with new reps who they come in and they’ve got their own ideas. I appreciate it. I can appreciate like I get it, you’re trying to help you have your own ideas, but the system may be broken and sometimes it’s hard for them to just accept that and that if you just keep it simple and do what the successful people are doing, you will be successful. If you veer from that or you know, go off track of that, you’re not going to be successful. And so I think that’s a big thing. And probably the most frustrating thing for any sales manager or a trainer that we run into. And you know, with all of my companies, it’s like that’s the most common, most frustrating thing when we’re recruiting and trying to hire.
Jason: Yeah, I will second that in a big way. Is that generally where reps will go sideways if they’re going to go sideways in any one general way for where their performance is either going to drop up or never be achieved is where they’re not trusting the system. And there’s unhealthy ego in the way of them being open to it. Right?
Jason: There’s a good ego, which is like, you know, I’m gonna do well and you know, confidence in yourself. And then there’s an ego that gets in the way of understanding and using somebody else’s playbook and system. And usually they either figure that out or it’s going to be a fairly quick exit.
Rylee: Right. For sure.
Jason: So then that goes into the next one here, which is, you know, the last question is, is when hiring salespeople, what attributes are you looking for? Obviously them being open to your system. Although in my experience, nobody goes into an interview as a sales rep and says, well, at my last company, here’s what I did and I’m not gonna use your script and I’m not going to use your process.
Jason: So nobody’s ever entered an interview with me saying that. So what attributes are you looking for? For somebody listening who’s getting into sales or they’re in sales? Like what is it that you see that you’re looking for that makes them successful?
Rylee: Yeah, this is funny because my managers that we work with, we’re, we’re in a big recruiting phase right now with some clients that I’m working with. And this has been like a huge topic because you know, we’ve hired recruiters that are looking for a specific person. We’ve done our own ads and at the end of it, I mean all of them, most all of our sales reps that we work with, they’re all 100% commission on commission sales reps. I love that. That’s all I’ve ever done. But I think a big thing that I make apparent when my interviewing process is that, you know, we’re a family, we’re, we’re a tight knit group of people.
Rylee: But as I mentioned before, it’s like you’ve got to be able to own your own business within your business and, and treat it that way. And if you don’t, I’m not going to spend time with those that don’t. And I make it very apparent too. It’s like, you know, the squeaky wheel always gets the grease. And if I’m hiring an in training on a new rep and they’re, let’s say they’re not performing and they’re not calling me with, why didn’t I make the sale? If they’re not making those notes, if they’re not, you know, asking for help, then I’m just don’t have the time to, to help those. And it is, it’s going to be a quick exit as well. But just being real with them that, you know, we communicate a lot through different like apps and things because as, as sales reps just on the road, if you’re, you know, we’re all over the country and we’ve got, you know, most everybody was working out of their home and then they’re traveling a couple of days a week doing presentations.
Rylee: And I think it’s important to have that, that tight knit group of communicating, knowing that you’re not on your own. Yes, you’re on your own but you’re not on your own. Like I said, just being real with them. I remember one of my first sales jobs, I was 19 years old in the recruiter, the manager at the time just looked me square in the eyes and said, dude, 85% of this job is negative, but the 15% if you can focus on the 15% you will get rich doing this. And rich for me at that time was being able to make up, you know, six figures and it was like, that’s all I needed to hear. He knew the system. He taught me how to do sales and you know, I believed him and I didn’t care if I went on, if I knocked 85 doors that all said no.
Rylee: I knew the next 15 were yeses. And I think being able to have that psyche of the sales rep of just knowing there’s highs and lows, but if you can just focus on those positives, that’s going to be one of the most important attributes of somebody that I’m looking to hire and train.
Jason: Yeah, and I think that’s huge because obviously there’s a bunch of nos in that. Obviously that depends on the marketing and what you’re doing. If you’re door knocking, there’s going to be a lot of nos. If you’re doing a presentation in front of a group like you’re talking about, it’s going to be less knows because there’s a lot of intent. They got a letter and then they responded. Then they booked it and they showed up. They actually left their house and you know, there’s a lot of intense. So the conversion and the nos are a little bit different.
Jason: However, no matter what, no matter what industry somebody’s in, within sales, there’s a formula which says if I do so many of “X”, that’s how men, I’ll get so many sales. And that’s the right ratio. And in that there’s always some level of nos. And even if it’s not a quantity of nos, like quality, if it’s less interactions and the nose can hurt more when it’s like I met with four people and two of them said, no, it’s different than knocking on a hundred doors and hearing 85 no’s or you know, getting it slammed in your face. You know, sometimes you know, less knows, but quality knows hurt more. And so that’s the key, right? Is this being persistent and understanding. Like if you’re trying to help people or if you’re selling something of value that you know, it’s just, you know, get to the right people and then you know, do what you can.
Rylee: Yeah, absolutely. It’s good stuff, man. That’s awesome.
Jason: So that’s it for my questions and I’m so glad you’re here. Before we wrap this up for everyone listening, I’m going to put in all of your links, all of your information into the show notes. People can go to CutterConsultingGroup.com and find it there. You can go on LinkedIn and find the show as well, but just so they can have it now as people are listening, where can people find you and or your system or find out more if they’re interested in either being a part of what you’re doing or you know as a client.
Rylee: Yeah, absolutely. So the easiest area would probably just be our website, which is social dynamic selling.com. Again, social dynamic selling.com we’ve got some good content up there. We have some case studies of clients that we’ve recently taken on with like how many campaigns we’ve done and you know, a volume dollar amounts, things like that.
Rylee: What their ROI was. Oh, you can download our journey map, which is basically six basic kind of modules I guess we’ll call them. Um, that I take people through with setting up their own campaigns. I’ve got a website. I also WorkWithRylee.com and Rylee’s spelled a little different. R Y. L. E. E. so WorkWithRylee.com and you can schedule like little strategy calls and if you’re questioning like would this model work for me or not? Or I have this idea, just schedule a call and one of my myself or one of our team members will hop on and we’ll spend you know, 15-20 minutes with you and be able to give you a good idea if this would make sense or not. And again, if it’s not, we’ll be the first ones to tell you or at least be able to direct you and put you in the right direction to maybe have a better sales model for what you’re looking for.
Jason: Perfect. And again, like I said, I’m going to put all of Rylee’s links into the show notes, plus the transcript will be there. Rylee, thanks again for being on the show and being the first guest in season two to be a part of this.
Rylee: Yeah, it’s been an honor. I appreciate it, Jason. Thank you much, man.
Jason: Alright. And for everyone tuning in again, make sure, check out everything online and leave it the same way I did in season one…
Jason: As always, keep in mind that everything in life is sales and people remember the experience you gave them.
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