[476] Support Your Team And They Will Succeed, with Tyler Orrell from Quinstreet

August 2, 2022

Support Your Team And They Will Succeed, with Tyler Orrell from Quinstreet

Show Notes

What value are you bringing to the people you engage with? As a leader, how can you more effectively motivate your people?

If a person is trying to reach out, it is because they don't know or is not sure of something, and they are looking for some guidance on your part. Always remember to be a conduit of information.

In this episode, Tyler Orrell from QuinStreet and I talk about his vast range of experience in the contact center industry, and also about his role as Vice President.

Learn more as we discuss what companies, sales leaders, and agents do best, which can also be applicable to you and your organization.

Overcoming Objections, Motivating Your Team (and yourself), Being A New Team Lead – get the ebooks (free)

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