My Way Works Well Enough, I Don’t Need To Change

October 1, 2024

Another variation of that which I hear: “I could see how that would help other people close more deals, but I don’t think I need that.”

This is the response I hear from many (too many) salespeople as an instant response when sharing a strategy, tip, idea, mindset shift, and/or tactic that I have used myself and seen others execute that helped close more sales. And not just more deals, but more bigger deals.


Humans are funny. Removing the sarcasm…humans are challenging to deal with.

Their reactions make sense, and I understand where they are coming from. But it’s still challenging to share with someone a way they could be more successful at their job – a job that pays them more money the more deals they close – and have them resist it so much they will die on the sword of their comfort zone.

The known is better than the unknown. Change must be resisted. Nothing good comes from change.

Your comfort zone is safe, it’s warm, it’s the known, it’s what is predictable. It’s the ‘comfort’ zone because it’s comfortable. The uncomfortable zone is what’s outside.

Also, and here is the big part – for a salesperson to change (well…truly…for anyone to change anything in the way they do things in their life) is to admit that what you know now or do now is not the most effective.

Basically, you have to admit you are wrong.

What is Right or Wrong?

Now, to clarify – there is no such thing as right or wrong, good or bad. Just the judgment we put on those labels. Really it comes down to: “what is working in my life, and do I have what I want in my life?”

If the answer is no – then the only way to get what you want more of or different, is to change.

If someone is trying to help you grow and share tactics and strategies that could make you more successful at your sales role and make you more money, why would you not listen and act?

Why would you not at least try?

And I don’t mean the half-ass trying I see some people do. “Fine, I will try it your way, but I don’t think it will work.”

It's Not 'My Way'

A – It’s not my way. It’s a way that has worked for myself and/or others. It’s a strategy to try.
B – When you say it that way, you make it sound like a kid resisting their parent just to resist
C – Remember – you are always right. Whether you think it will work or not work – you will prove yourself right.

Now, some of you reading this might not relate to what I am saying. You have a growth, open mindset. You are okay with feedback and new ideas. You want to get better and better. You want to be the best version of yourself and as a sales professional. You want to help as many of your customers as you can and you don’t want to limit yourself on how effective you can be.

This topic isn’t for you.

It’s for your co-workers, who probably aren’t reading this. The only way they would read blog articles about selling effectiveness is to find evidence that how they are selling is the best way and that the ideal strategy is to not change anything.

The Stuck Salesperson's Challenge

They definitely won’t make it this far down – they would have hit the close window button near the top. And that is unfortunate. For themselves. Because being okay enough in sales sucks. It means you close some sales but not enough. Probably not as much as you see others close on your team. They go home after an unsuccessful day/week/month and compare themselves to others and look for reasons it’s not their fault (“They have a better shift, get the better leads, are closer to the internet, etc.” – yes, that last one I have seen people try to use for why one rep closed more deals than another). A fixed, stuck mindset in sales is so hard – mentally.

It's also unfortunate for the world. For the potential customers that wanted and needed your product/service, but also needed your professional guidance to make the right decision and to actually purchase. They don’t end up buying because they didn’t get the right person who actually could help persuade them into the right action for themselves or their business. What will happen to them since they couldn’t get the product or service that would have made a difference in their life?


If you have someone you know in sales that resists change, coaching, guidance, new strategies and tactics and just default to “I have my own way of selling” – please share this with them.

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