Leaders Anticipate, Losers React

October 21, 2024

Anticipation is the key to success.


Some refer to it as the ability to see around corners.


It’s having enough experience to anticipate what could happen next, with the highest probability to take the next, best action based on that anticipated event.


In driving it’s referred to as defensive driving.


It’s the ability to know what other drivers might do, before they do it, so that you don’t have to fully react (in a panic) because you are ready.


Leaders anticipate, losers react.


Before you get triggered and mad at me, that is a quote from Tony Robbins.


I heard it a few weeks ago when I was walking and listening to some motivational clips via YouTube. It stopped me in my tracks, and I had to type it and send it to myself as a reminder.


It is such a true statement about life, business, and – since that is why we are here in this article – sales.


Let me be clear, as I take his quote and apply it to sales and selling effectiveness – when you are a sales professional – not just a salesperson – you take on a leadership role in the dynamic between you and the prospective customer. They want a guide, a leader, someone who will assess their current situation, their needs, and their goals and help lay out the path to a better future.


Average, mediocre and/or ‘classic’ salespeople are managers of prospects. Managers push, try to convince, nag and micromanage.


Leaders pull, persuade, set the tone and direction, have a vision, enroll others to follow them.


Leaders anticipate, losers react.


Losing salespeople react. They are shocked, surprised and reactive to objections that come up. They are thrown off easily by the things that prospects say and do that they weren’t prepared for.


Even if they are prepared – they have their objection responses memorized, even the appearance of objections causes them to react and typically overreact. They go into scrambling, panic mode at times. They say way more than they need to in hopes over defeating that objection like it’s the enemy.


Sales professionals – leaders – anticipate. They do an in-depth discovery, they use active listening, they take mental and physical notes of things that could pop up during the sales conversation(s) and process. They anticipate what types of issues and fears could get triggered by the prospect.


And to be clear – it’s not just an experience thing, or a confidence thing. I have seen a lot of salespeople who have experience and confidence where their ego keeps them from leveraging discovery and active listening to anticipate the best path forward. They rely on experience and “I know what people want, I don’t have to ask them” and “buyers are liars” mindsets. This then puts them in reactive mode when things don’t go as they assumed they would.


Now, I am not saying that you will always be able to anticipate everything that a prospect will say, ask, or do. There will be times when an objection or scenario comes up that totally surprises you.


However, that should be a rare exception. I am also not saying that sales professionals close at 100%.


I am saying that sales professionals (leaders) anticipate. Order Takers, salespeople (losers) react.

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