What strategies do you use to align your strengths with your life's purpose?
In this special guest episode, Rob Howze brings his amazing energy, stage presence, and passion for helping people to The Sales Experience Podcast.
Rob has a big mission in life, and he and I talk about:
Rob’s Info:
Rob’s mission is to create inspiring videos and music that empower people to live healthier more prosperous lives.
Website: www.RobHowzeSpeaks.com
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/robhowze/
You can also Google ‘Rob Howze’ – he owns the first page of results!
Jason: Welcome to the sales experience podcast and welcome to another special guest episode. Today I have with me, a man who is making it his mission to get 1 billion people doing and not just being. His name is Rob Howze and I’m going to put all of his info in the show notes on the Cutter Consulting Group website. He’s got such a great stage presence, you can tell from everything that he’s doing that he’s literally in the zone and doing what he’s really meant to be doing with his life at this point. Rob, welcome to the Sales Experience Podcast.
Rob: Jason, thanks for having me, brother. Thank you.
Jason: And I’m so glad that you’re here. For everyone listening, make sure to check out his videos, his messages online. To me, and I’ve seen a lot of stuff in my life. And I know that Rob, you’re the same way, which is why your message is the way it is, is that what you’re putting out there is motivating in the right ways. Not that there’s a right and wrong or good or bad, but your focus is on helping empower people to live healthier, more prosperous lives. It’s not about showing you in front of fancy cars or private jets, not that anything’s wrong with that. But it’s really about getting to the roots of things to help people be healthier, happier and live what they’re doing. And I’m excited to have you on the show because this is the tail end of two weeks talking about behaviors, strengths of each group, different people and how they interact with each other and relationships, which all starts with self awareness, which you know, I know that you’re big on. So, let’s talk about self awareness first, and what that means to you.
Rob: Oh, man, self awareness, you know, we are in the mindfulness era man. This perfect. Like this is the self awareness era [??? 1:42] civilization, this era is– this is the one and it’s cool. The reason it’s cool is because people– What mindfulness means is that you’re aware of what you’re doing and you’re just, you’re mindful of whatever it is good or bad, you’re just aware of it, right. I look at awareness like a flashlight in your brain. So, think of your mind and if you think about how that person cuts you off yesterday, you put your mind there, the flashlight goes there, that’s what you’re aware of. You know, whatever you put your attention on, that’s your awareness. Now, actually taking control of that flashlight, that’s mindfulness. So, now you are putting your awareness where you desire and that is true awareness. So, awareness is happening whether you know it or not, but true awareness, which comes through mindfulness is when you control the awareness. You know what I me?
Jason: Yeah. So I think it’s interesting. And I’m going to take the approach that people listening might not understand what mindfulness is. Because I know when I hear it, and I’m mostly aware with it, but you know, I’m definitely not pro level anyway. When I hear mindfulness, I think of meditating, and woo-woo, hippie type stuff. And you know, that kind of thing. So, when you’re referencing mindfulness and awareness, what does that mean to you and how do you get there?
Rob: So for me, it means being exactly what it sounds like, being mindful what I’m doing. That’s it. You can get woo-woo, you can get deep body, you can go to the top of the Himalayan mountains, you can do all that, or you can just sit on the street and just be aware what the heck you’re doing. You know, what I’m saying, just stop for a second and become aware, like are you paying attention to it? And so that’s what mindfulness is, just being mindful of what the heck is happening in your life, in your relationships, at your job. You’d be amazed how many folks get fired from their jobs, and they’re surprised, like, what’s going on? Well, if you were aware of last three weeks, you may have noticed that you were late every other day, you know what I mean? So it’s just the small things.
Jason: Well, it’s interesting too because I’ve seen that and you know, been in business for so long had so many employees who have come and gone some, like you’re talking about there which aren’t even paying attention or mindful of what they’re doing. And then the expectations and consequences in their lives from being late or just not performing well, let’s say in a sales role. But then they’re surprised, they cannot imagine that, you know, anything is going to happen when they’re not being effective, or giving everything they’ve got, or even in the right place for them. You know, for me, I think a lot of the, you know, let’s say being late or not effective in sales could also be because it’s a square peg in a round hole. And they’re just not in alignment with where they really want to be or what they feel like they could be doing with their life.
Rob: Right. Right. Yeah, very true.
Jason: So, when you hit your journey, and you got into this, like was it something that triggered in you and you felt your strengths all come together, was it gradual? Because I’m thinking about in terms of the people listening, especially this is sales related podcast, but this is a special episode just in general for life, and self awareness. But you know, a lot of it is identifying those strengths. And when that moment either hits you, or the kind of path that leads you to where you are now, without really getting into full interview mode, where you tell us about your full childhood. Like when was that when the strengths started coming to you or you realize like, hey, man, I got this message in me and I got to go this route or you know, this is what I should be doing?
Rob: Well, you know, I studied a lot over the last 20 years, everything from psychology, neuroscience, Personal Training. I became a pastor 10 years, traveled, build some nonprofit, started some Youth Empowerment initiatives. And like over the last 20 years, mind, body and spirit, soul related industries and so naturally, I began to get stronger in those areas. And just recently in the last few years, I realized how important it was to be holistically healthy, mentally, physically, and you don’t have to say spiritually if you don’t want you to, you can say soulfully, but your mind body. And when you say soulful, that means like your air, your oxygen, the atmosphere around you like life. You have to identify that, I don’t care if you don’t believe anything, believe in what you’re walking in, right. So, those three areas, once you get them, you’re good. So I really became just passionate about sharing that because once I became healthy in those areas, my life, it didn’t tenfold, it 100 fold, 200 fold, 500 fold. I mean, my relationship with my wife transformed, relationship with my teenage son transform, and that’s a miracle. That’s Jesus Christ walking on water what happened in that situation because it was going bad. I had no idea what was happening. But I began to go through this process of daily self reflection course correction with humility, is being mindful what I was doing, and it allow me just to, you know, course correct, and shorten my learning curve on certain things. But let me go back a little bit because I hate going on right rabbit trails and going away from the question that you asked.
Jason: No, let’s go.
Rob: But what was the original question, though?
Jason: You know, it’s about the strengths and, you know, when you felt that happening, or how you identified those strengths coming on and where really the right place for you was.
Rob: Thank you for telling me that. So, after all those years of doing those – things, and now realizing how it’s working in my life, you know, I wrote a book called The Purpose Search. Because I figured, you know, I was looking at 80% of folks going to jobs that they hate. I was like why would they do that? Why would somebody to do that and why does the majority of people do that? Because they haven’t found their purpose. They haven’t found it. Well, I found mine. So, how did you do it? So I literally like a social scientist, just kind of re-engineered how I did it and I came up with this process [??? 7:49] four keys that unlock your purpose, and this will work for anybody. You have to identify these four things, is your gifts, the talents, your resources and your passion. I’m not going to go into detail, but those four things align, puts you on the path to understanding what your purpose is. And a shortcut, even shortcut to someone’s purpose, meaning, if you’re like, what the heck, I don’t know what I’m sent here for. If you are really out in the desert with no water, do this, think of the thing that makes you happy. What is something that you could do that makes you tremendously happy? Think about that. What is it? What is that thing? And then once you identify what that is, then ask yourself, how can you make other people happy with it or how can you serve other people with it? That’s a very quick shortcut too because number one, if you find something that makes you happy, then you’re going to change, your perception is going to change. Certain chemicals get released in your body to support more of that same thinking. And if you find that thing that makes you happy, and you serve others with it, well, my friend, that’s how humanity evolves fast. So, I had to talk about that man, you know, I had to talk about that.
Jason: Well, I think that’s amazing because I know in my life, I have met many people who are connected with that purpose, either, you know, big capital P life purpose, like, here’s what you gotta do. But you know, life is fluid and evolves and changes so there’s really, you know, in my opinion, it’s about the purpose of where you’re at now. Because, you know, at 40, your purpose might be one thing at 60, your purpose might be another. You know, a lot of people get hung up on the Well, what’s the whole point of my life and what’s my purpose and what should I be doing with the next 60 years? Like, don’t even worry about that because, you know, deal with this moment and this time period, this season of your life right now because that’s important. And [??? 9:43] said, those four steps, but just focus on now. A lot of people get too caught up in the, you know, the question I can’t stand which is, “Where do you see yourself in five years?” Like I have no idea, I just know where I feel is best for me to be right now. And I think that’s the key and when I’ve met those people, there’s an energy that comes from them, and an ease that comes from them where they know. And not that life is easy when you know, your purpose and this is, you know, we could go the religious route of biblical teachings and non religious routes. But you know, when you know, your purpose, that doesn’t mean life is easy and problem free, it just means that you’re on the right path and that your energy is flowing in the right ways, and I think that’s the key.
Rob: Yeah, that’s the key man. That is key, energy flowing in the right ways, that will be like the bullet take away because that is the foundation of it, man.
Jason: Well, and I think, when you know, and talking about this in terms of a sales career, and salespeople, you know, if you’re in the zone and you have awareness of who you are, your talents, your gifts, your strengths, the purpose they should be doing, and how you can serve others with, you know, the act of selling let’s say, for example. And helping people, you know, depending on what product or service you sell, and how that can impact other people and doing it for the right reasons. So wanting to help people who should or need whatever you have versus forcing it or trying to manipulate everyone possible. When you do that, you’re actually serving through that. And when you get into that place, sales is easier and the resistance to sale. And also the feeling of rejection is much different because you know, it’s not about you because you’re moving in the right direction. It’s about what [??? 11:29] is going through, right.
Rob: That’s very, very interesting right there. The feeling of rejection, that is really interesting. That’s the one thing that destroyed you know, a huge portion of my sales life [Really?] that I [??? 11:40]– Yeah. I’ve always been a good deliver, but when it come– for me, what it was when it came down to actually selling, I always felt as if it felt sneaky. It’s such a weird thing and I heard– I’ve been studying, I’ve been studying Brian Tracy, I’ve been studying Jim Rohn, I’ve been studying Grant Cardone. I’ve been studying some of the greatest sales masters, but if what you just said, you have to go through the process from a personal perspective. And it’s not just you and a product, you now have a responsibility to deliver this value to this person because it can impact them, it changes. It changes it. When you say it that way and think it that way, then you go from feeling sneaky to feeling okay, now you’re serving. So yes, if they say no, that’s perfectly fine. It wasn’t about you trying to get that sale, you know?
Jason: Yeah. Well, you know, I did an episode on this a few weeks ago on the podcast. And I think it’s very interesting to look at and you know, we’re talking about self awareness and our strengths and our gifts and so it ties in well. But it’s, you know, the statement of it’s not personal, its business, which you can take two different ways, right. So it’s not personal, its business. If the other person doesn’t buy, it’s possible that there’s something in their life. Like everyone had something in their life, and so there’s something that is going on that made them not want to buy. The flip side of that is maybe the salesperson is not that good so they missed the opportunity. But you know, on the flip, flip side of that, like it’s not personal, its business, you actually want to make it personal, to try to help that person and serve them, but just not take it personal if they don’t move forward, right. And I’m sure that’s the same thing you feel all the time and deal with because you’re focused on motivating and helping people live healthier and more prosperous lives. and you want that for them, and you’re trying to serve them. And some people are rejecting it or not saying no or not jumping on this exciting, you know, movement that you’re [??? 13:40]. And it’s tough to, you know, not take that personal and understand that they’re in a different place, just keep moving, right.
Rob: Yeah. That’s very good, man. That’s good. Yeah.
Jason: So, how about on the sales side? You said when you were in sales, you were struggling with the rejection part and hearing no, but were you able to change that or how did you affect that in your mind? How did you make a shift?
Rob: You know, the shift happened when I– So, I made a shift in 2018, it’s like I came out of a cocoon. You know, it was a new metamorphosis of development for the last 47 years, you know, and I’ve been doing since 33, I’ve been really developing fast. But 2018 was the year– Tell me the question again.
Jason: When you were doing sales, and you were struggling with rejection, and you’re feeling like it was being sneaky and you know, everything you were studying, how did you make that shift? How did you get away from feeling like sales is a, you know, thing that you’re trying to do to somebody else versus something you’re doing for somebody else?
Rob: So, 2018 when I really became my true authentic self, when I stopped caring about what other people thought, really, I really did, like I just stopped. It was really interesting. It allowed me to become more of myself. I wasn’t ever selling well because I was never really myself. I was trying to be the thing that I thought I needed to be to sell the thing I had to sell. And that is a robotic process the way I just said it. But if I’m just me, and I got something for you, what’s up? [??? 15:24] It’s that simple.
Jason: And it is that simple and I feel like I’ve spent so many years training sales teams and groups of people and individuals on that myself, where it’s just be you, right. And that’s kind of the focus of the podcast and my message out there in general is, is don’t worry about what you think you should be like. Don’t worry about what you know, you think a salesperson should do and say because most of the time, A, that’s not really what the world actually wants. Because that’s not really a good version of sales and some of it is why sales has such a bad reputation and connotation in the world and why prospects are afraid of salespeople and what they’re going to do to manipulate. And then on the other side is, if that’s not you, don’t try to be something you’re not. You can only pretend an act so well, at the end of the day, you’re going to run out of steam and it’s not going to work long term as a professional. The better thing is to do is figure out who you are and your strengths and then go all in on that and just be you. Like for me, I’ll tell you like my sales style doesn’t necessarily work. It kind of breaks most of the rules, but it works really well for me because it’s who I am. And when I’m in the zone of caring about the other person and wanting to help them like, you know, I may break all the classic sales rule, but I’m still going to get it done. Because it’s me talking to you and this is real, this is real, this is as real as it’s going to get it.
Rob: That’s it.
Jason: That’s it. So let’s talk about you know, whether it’s a anything else, impacting the world in unique ways that no one else can do. You know, what’s your message on that or how do you see– like what takeaway for people listening to this as far as like, you know, obviously, there’s online. It looks like everyone’s doing the same thing, everyone’s lives are perfect, right? Everybody, everyone’s on vacation in Hawaii. Like if you look on social media, and you know, you don’t necessarily want to be unique or different because you know, people might make fun of you. But what about the fact that everyone is special and has this unique ability and talent? Like, what do you focus on with that with people?
Rob: You know, so there is only one you, there’s only one you. So, there’s never been anyone like you ever on the planet. And as long as time will exist, they’ll never ever be anyone like you. So, you are unique and there’s this thing, you know, there’s a, I think it’s one in 400 trillion chance [??? 17:59] Gary Vee was talking about and I did some research, and it’s pretty accurate, pretty accurate. But the point behind that is, being yourself is important because the world needs you, the world needs you. And you can be the second best somebody else or the best you ever. And so you know, it’s– And so how do you do that? That’s the question. So, I know I need to be myself, I heard that, it sounds good, but how do I do it? And I had this thing called the fulfillment formula. And not it’s mine, because I didn’t make [??? 18:37], but it worked. And so I documented how it happened. And the fulfillment formula is three ingredients; it’s self reflection, course correction, and humility. And these three ingredients make up the fulfillment formula. And the reason we call it the fulfillment formula is because you will be fulfilled in any area that you’re looking to be fulfilled in; sports, relationships, business using these ingredients that make up this formula. And this is what this is how it works. So self reflection, think about every day, take a look at yourself, how you’re showing up in the world, and your relationships, your thoughts. Like actually look back to the word mindful is really being mindful, right. So, you’re self reflecting. Course correction is then making the adjustments necessary. Meaning adjustments are necessary. And it’s okay, we have to make them. I mean, I think a rocket when it leaves Earth and goes to the moon, it’s all course like 98% of the time, but it gets there through course correction. So it’s a process that you have to do. So, self reflection, course correction and of course, humility needs to be the driver because you can self reflect and course correct all day but you know, you got the wrong perspective, in psychology, you’ll still wind up in the wrong area. So, doing these three things; self reflecting every day, taking a look at your life, looking at your relationships, making the adjustments about deliberately, intentionally being humble and walk with integrity, this will give you a better self image. You’ll begin to love yourself and you won’t want to be anybody else, you will naturally, organically become you. And this is real, it’s happening all over the world. And thanks to the internet, it’s happening fast.
Jason: Well, I think that’s an amazing formula, and any of that combination with the self reflection, the course correction, and then the humility part where, you know, not letting the ego get in the way or whatever might be pushing you to try to be someone else or defend yourself if it’s not really the authentic you. And I think that’s really that key, I think that perfectly– that should be the key to helping people really take on who they are and not worry about what others are doing. You know, I see this a lot let’s say, you know, obviously, we’re talking about sales and sales experiences where, you know, you see a lot of sales people sitting in an office and trying to be like somebody else, or, you know, trying to keep up with somebody else and instead of just doing what they do do themselves. Be who you are and focus on that, and what you can do for others in your own way. You know, and I think the other thing that’s interesting, too, that you mentioned, kind of in passing is that it took you 40 years to get where you’re at. I know I’m in my 40s and I think there’s a lot of people who put pressure on themselves, like we kind of talked about earlier on, which is what is my purpose and where am I going to be? And you know, just understanding that life is also a journey. If you’re 25, you may not know what your purpose is, and where you want to go. And you can do some steps in mindfulness, but it will, a long life ahead but it’s going to take you on many different paths that, you know, will open doors up and experiences to you. So, you know, one of the things, you know, don’t rush into it and be like, oh, man, I need to know my purpose today. It’s like, you know, just sometimes you got to live some life and sometimes life has to do some things to you first, and then you kind of realize. And I think that’s also true for comparison, where people say, oh, you know, I see Rob, his videos, he’s on stage, he’s motivating, he’s inspirational, like I don’t have a message, I don’t feel like I’m that. A, don’t try to be like anyone else and B, you know, when your messages ready, you’ll have it and then it’ll be what you want to share.
Rob: That’s it. Man, that is it. Put that in a book and [??? 22:27]
Jason: We’ll do part two of the book. Well, Rob, thanks for being on here. I appreciate you and what you’re bringing to the world and the focus. And I think that’s really what it needs. I mean, you know, my kind of area of laser focus is on sales people and changing that landscape to improve the whole sales experience. And I appreciate your approach to getting people just mentally mindset well and, you know, in the right zone for them being happy. , I appreciate everything that you’re doing online, and thanks for being on here and sharing as well.
Rob: Thanks, man. This is an authentic, cool conversation. I like your approach too. I like your approach to an important topic. You know, talking about sales, like you said, you know, when people think about sales you think about, you know, the vacuum cleaner and knocking on the door, you know what I mean. Selling the knives, [??? 23:01] you know. But shifting your perspective, shifts your performance, so it’s all about perspective, man. So, I appreciate you helping to shift that.
Jason: I’m glad. You know, I’m going to put in all of the links and everything in the show notes. But for everyone listening in case they don’t make it to the website, where is the best place for people to find you and your message online like the best one or two places?
Rob: So my website Rob Howze Speaks, right, RobHowzeSpeaks.com. But probably the best one, I am the number one Rob Howze on Google, man, did you know that? I did it, I did it.
Jason: I’m jealous. I got a long way to go before I’m the number one Jason Cutter. There’s a whole bunch out there [??? 24:08] I’m like fourth.
Rob: Yeah, man. Thanks for that interesting name. Although, so yeah, that’s the best pace man, Google.
Jason: I do have the number one place of CutterConsultingGroup.com, so I did buy that a long, long time ago.
Rob: Oh, that’s good.
Jason: I’ve been sitting on that one for a long time. But yeah, on Google–
Rob: Jason Cutter somewhere else is like man, I miss it.
Jason: Damn it. Yep. So and just for everyone listening, it’s Rob Howze, H-O-W-Z-E. And so Google, sounds like best thing, Google Rob Howze and there you are, number one, number one motivation guy in the world, number one on Google. So there you go.
Rob: All right, man. Love it.
Jason: That’s it. All right. Well, that’s another special guest episode of The Sales Experience podcast. Make sure to check out the CutterConsultingGroup.com website for this episode, show notes, Rob’s links as well as the transcript once that’s available for the episode. You’re also going to find the show on LinkedIn if you’re over there. And then always chat with me through the website or through LinkedIn if you want to talk about behaviors, your goals, sales, career, motivation stuff. If you want to connect with Rob, let me know I can introduce you as well if you’re having trouble finding him. And until next time, always remember that everything in life is sales and people will remember the experience you gave them.
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