How can a salesperson work on improving their ability to connect with diverse groups of people?
How can a salesperson work on improving their ability to connect with diverse groups of people?
How can a salesperson work on improving their ability to connect, relate, and build rapport with diverse groups of people, especially those who are different from them?
Selling isn't about finding people like you. It's about understanding and adapting to the diverse needs and backgrounds of your clients. Understand the economic, cultural, and demographic differences of your clients to build real connections and close deals effectively.
In this episode, I talk about the importance of self-awareness and overcoming prejudices in sales. Ia also talk about recognizing your limitations and the need to improve and adapt in order to succeed
Learn more about connecting with diverse clients, breaking down barriers, and avoiding prejudging potential customers.
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Then here's the other thing I would challenge you is if there's a group of people that you seem to not work well with. Again, I've run call centers in California. They talk to someone from the south. In their mind, they're thinking, people in the south never buy from me. It doesn't work.
Maybe it's you. Right.
Because if other people on the sales team can close, other people?
Other people.
The 25 year old who's still living at home, that group buys from somebody else, then it's not the 25 year old living at home.
It's you. It's you, the salesperson.
It's fundamentally you that needs to improve, get better, or leave sales. Those are really your two options. That's just the harsh truth, is that.
At some point, you want to have.
Conversations with everybody, and if you can't close a certain group, instead of prejudging.
Them, get better or move on from sales.
But that's the biggest thing to focus on. There's things you can do. There's training you can do. There's things, maybe you got to understand that clientele better, that demographic better. One of the biggest challenge is a lot of people sell the way they like to buy, and they like to sell to people who are like them. It's that tribal part of us. It's the part of us that's in survival mode, that's in our brain, the amygdala that still thinks it's eons ago where our survival was based on a tribe. We like people who are like us.
That's the fundamental part in us. If we're not careful. So a lot of people like selling to people who are like them, that's great. If you can only have conversations with people who are exactly like you. If you ever have to have a.
Conversation with somebody who's different than you, right?
I'm a man. If I talk to a woman, if I can only sell to men or middle aged men or men from California, that's really going to limit my success and my effectiveness in a persuasive sales role where if I'm only able to, not intentionally targeting or intentionally only trying to sell to that group, but able to, able to connect, able to relate, able to build rapport, able to show empathy, somebody has to have gone down the same path as I have, and then I can relate to them and I can help them. If that's what you're subconsciously or consciously banking on, you're going to be in trouble. And so the key is that you've got to look past that. You've got to analyze it. Like, if you have a challenge with a group of people or a situation or a demographic, like economic group, right. People who have more money or less money, then you've got to figure out a way. I had a client last year, and it's a retail furniture store.
And one of the biggest things is it's a higher end custom. People come in there, they pick out everything about this couch they want. It's an expensive couch. It's a five figure couch. And then takes a while for it to be built.
What happens? Well, a lot of people who go into retail sales, furniture sales, they don't have a lot of money, right. It's a low entry level wage with great bonuses, great commissions. The people there make great money if they're successful. But for a lot of people in that sales role, they don't know what it's like to own a $10,000 couch. They cannot imagine a world where they have enough money laying around, where a $10,000 couch is a great idea or reasonable or even fathomable. Right. So one of the problems I see a lot is not even race or ethnicity or location. Sometimes it's just economic, right, where people are selling something and they're punching so high above their belt financially from a mindset standpoint that they can't do it.
I've seen some people literally in call centers where they struggle with people and charging fees and helping people above a certain price point because they can't afford it themselves in their own life. And usually I can tell somebody's financial situation based on their average client sales, their total enrollment, the kind of people they sell. And it's not that they couldn't. It's just that they relate to a certain group. And so that goes into this prejudging. That's the important part, is not to prejudge. Just go everywhere. Like Ryan said, self awareness of your flaws are key to growing.
And instead of pre judging, say, I never close these people. I'm never successful with this. I can never sell that couch, right? Instead going, who do I have to be? What could I work on? How could I get better such that I can sell anybody anywhere? And I don't mean the gross ass. I can sell ICE to Eskimos mode. When I hear people say that. People say, I could sell ICE to Eskimos.
That's terrible.
They don't need that, right? Like, I could sell sand in the desert. That is terrible. Why would you say that? Why would you even think that's possible? Okay, maybe that means you're really good at sales, but that's not what people need. They need solutions. So the key is it's about being.
Able to help anybody and everybody with.
Your solution in the best way possible and not just go down that path of here's who I can help, here's who. I don't like helping these people. If I ever see them coming, I just don't even want to deal with them and I'm going to give them to somebody else because it never works for me. If that's your mode, you're going to severely limit your selling effectiveness and your sales results. The deals that you can close, the revenue that you can make. Unless of course, you get yourself to a position in a company or in your career where you can dictate the type of people you deal with and you can cherry pick the people you want to deal with and sell to.
If that's the case, that's great. Makes it super easy for most other people.
It's about helping anybody that you can, if it's a good fit, if you can help them with your solution. And I think that's the key. So I'm going to stop there. There was two closes I'm going to talk about, but I know, I know myself well enough to know that I won't have the time. So I'm going to pick that up next week. First off, I appreciate everyone who's been here today, everyone that's putting comments in there and chatting again. If you want to be a part of this conversation and ask questions directly into the Zoom webinar, make sure to go to You can register on Zoom and then that way you can be in the chat.
Obviously I do what I can to also see comments from other streams as it's happening. Best I can catch it. Sometimes it works, sometimes it doesn't. But the best way is in the Zoom webinar. I mentioned my overcoming objections ebook. Email me happy to send you that PDF. Help you understand why people raise objections and then what you can do about it. And a really good strategy that works very well for moving through those objections, not just past them, not just trying to trick them, not just trying to dance over here and hope that they don't see it or realize it, but literally how to deal with that in the best way possible.
That will actually give you more information, which will then help you close more deals. And so that's one of the big keys. And if you've enjoyed this, make sure to like this, make sure to share it again, depending on where you're watching this. It's also on Facebook under the Cutter consulting group business page. It's on LinkedIn. It's on the YouTube. Jason Cutter if you're not a part of that, make sure to subscribe to my YouTube channel because I'm putting lots of clips. I record my podcast, I record the video, and then I have shorter, like five minute clips on there, 62nd clips.
If you want to get some good video content, go to YouTube. Search Jason Cutter I believe I'm the number one Jason Cutter on YouTube. I can't verify that, but I should be. Just look for me on there. You'll find me, it looks like this. And then subscribe to that channel. Turn on notifications so you see every time I'm trying to post videos, most days, even just short clips and put them all on there. And then of course, this is also on the podcast authentic persuasion show.
But I appreciate everyone who's here. It makes a big impact for me.
The more people that are watching this, more people that are a part of this and sharing this, then it's really helping change the landscape for sales. The kind of people I know, some of you that were watching this and tuning in that I can see here. Obviously, we're all pushing to get things done right in a relationship way to helping people. And I appreciate that. And make sure to share this with the people that you know. And if you run a sales team, if you're in charge of a sales operation, please email me. so that I can bring this to your group, we can put together some training. We can help your team close more deals and make more money.
And if you're an individual in sales and you're on your own or you're part of a company and they're not a part of this, please go to and pre enroll in my private group coaching program. That's coming soon where it's going to take this, but more in an interactive coaching mode. And I'm going to help you close more deals and make more money. So I appreciate that. Thank you, everybody, for tuning in, and I will catch you next week on this session.
Have a great weekend. Bye.
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